Merv Yoshimoto, Pearl City treasure

Mar 13, 2025 | Heart and Soul, PC Community

It was great to run into another amazing Pearl City friend and community leader Merv Yoshimoto who had served our community for many years as a beloved and championship Pearl City Little League head coach and PCLL Officer/Board member, as well as Hawaii Little league District 7 Assistant Administrator and District Adminstrator.

Merv also led his Pearl City Little League Majors team (11-12 years old) to the 1988 Little League World Series Championship title game won by Taiwan 10-0.

Merv also served as the General Manager for the West Oahu Canefires and North Shore Honu of the Hawaii Winter Baseball professional league.

Merv has had an exceptional and inspirational career guiding Pearl City youth and professional Major League prospects through the game of baseball, “Field of Dreams”.

Nice to hang out the other day Merv!

Pearl City Heart & Soul