I would like to introduce you to two brothers Aidan and Brady who are being recognized by MyPearlCity.com as PC I.N.K.– Incredible Neighborhood Kids.
Aidan and Brady volunteer their time together to help keep their neighborhood clean and free of rubbish while taking care of the environment and being personally involved in recycling.
"The boys have a love for all things related to trash. They enjoy looking out for the garbage truck and treating the workers to snacks. They are eager to help the community put away their trash bins and look forward to whether it's blue, green or black (trash can) day. They understand the need to take care of our earth and enjoy bringing recyclables to their grandfather's home and have even taken it upon themselves to pick up litter in the neighborhood. We look forward to fostering their interest in caring for our community by participating in community projects”, said Aidan and Brady’s mom Stacie.
The future looks very bright from the light that shines with inspiration upon Aidan and Brady’s dedication, hard work, and generosity. The boys efforts are helping to secure a safe and clean planet and hope for a better tomorrow for us all.
Thank you Stacie for sharing Aidan and Brady’s amazing story! I’m really looking forward to one day soon volunteering together with them in the community.
Photos courtesy of Stacie