Highlands Intermediate School is looking for Pearl City people who would be great story tellers and tell spooky stories of the schools in this area and/or the greater Pearl City community?
The event would be called Highlands Intermediate "Chicken Skin Tales 6" and will be running spooky stories sessions for lunch the whole week of Halloween, MON 10/26 – FRI 10/30. Lunch is 11:47 am – 12:22 pm. There may be after school spooky story sessions too that will start at 2:30 pm.
Here's a look at last year's sold out event – http://highlandsintermediate.blogspot.com/2019/10/chicken-skin-tales-5-w-special-guest.html
Please contact Highlands Intermediate School Student Activities Coordinator | After School Sports Coordinator, Mr. Eric White at:
Work: 808-307-5089
Email: [email protected]