Mahalo to everyone who attended yesterday’s Pearl City Community Association (PCCA) Installation and Bingo Bash Breakfast held at the Momilani Community Center. The community enjoyed a delicious breakfast sponsored by the PCCA, that included scrambled eggs, Portugese sausage, spam, and rice.The annual Installation ceremony of the 2019 PCCA Officers and Board of Directors followed the breakfast.
Mahalo to Representative Gregg Takayama for volunteering his time to swear in the Officers and Board of Directors. BINGO! followed the installation ceremony which once again proved to be a great time for our Pearl City community and their ohana while having fun with neighbors and friends.
There are so many people to thank for the success of our PCCA Installation Banquet Breakfast and Bingo Bash. I would like to first thank the wonderful and hardworking PCCA Officers and Board of Directors for their dedication and commitment to serving our Pearl City community. Also, our PCCA membership whose annual membership fees and generous donations provide scholarships and financial assistance for our Pearl City Complex Schools, as well as financial support for PCCA sponsored community events and community events and fundraisers with our community partners.
Thank you to Kelsey Poaha and her decorating crew for their creative decorations that truly beautified and enhanced the Momilani Community Center for all of us to enjoy. Also, thank you to Kyle Miyashiro and Eunice Espinoza for cooking our ono breakfast.
Thank you to area legislators Gregg Takayama and Roy Takumi and Councilman Brandon Elefante for joining us on Saturday. Also, former PCCA Board Member and current PCCA Member Doc Uejo and his wife Betty for attending and always supporting the PCCA.
Thank you to all of our Pearl City residents and their ohana, and visitors to Pearl City for being a part of Saturday's very special event. We are very grateful for your support and friendship.
I am so proud to continue to serve our community as a PCCA board member. I have been very fortunate to serve alongside so many incredible PCCA Officers and Board of Directors through the years that are not only amazingly dedicated and passionate community volunteers, but have become my friends for life.
2019 will be a very special year for the PCCA and the Pearl City community as we celebrate the PCCA's 60th Anniversary on July 26, 2019 at the Momilani Community Center. Leading the PCCA in 2019 and 2020 is President Lana Murakami. As my two year term as PCCA President ended on Saturday, I was so excited and honored for the opportunity to announce Lana as our new President. She is a fantastic leader and will truly guide the PCCA in a direction that will open up new avenues and opportunities while building relationships that serve to benefit our community and their ohana.
I would like to thank Breene Harimoto and Naomi Tully Ungacta from the Pearl City Foundation for their support, partnership, and bond with the PCCA that year after year makes our Pearl City community a great place to live, work, and play.
Thank you to all our wonderful corporate sponsors for donating prizes for our Bingo Bash winners!
2019 PCCA Officers & Board of Directors
President – Lana Murakmi
Vice President – Wendy Ledesma
Secretary – Kelsey Poaha
Treasurer – Patti Rabacal
Board of Directors
Jits Fujimura
Kyle Miyashiro
Stacie Kunihisa
Barry Villamil
Garrett Arakawa
Honorary Board Member
Bob Kubo
Photo courtesy of Kelsey Poaha
Pictured from L-R: Barry Villamil, Jits Fujimura, Kelsey Poaha,
Patti Rabacal, Wendy Ledesma, Lana Murakami, and Kyle Miyashiro.
Missing from photo: Stacie Kunihisa
Photo courtesy of Kelsey Poaha
Pictured from L-R: Barry Villamil, Representative Roy Takumi, Kelsey Poaha,
Councilman Brandon Elefante, Lana Murakami, and Representative Gregg Takayama
Photo by Barry Villamil |
2019 PCCA President lana Murakami is pictured with Representative Gregg Takayama.
Photo by Barry Villamil |
Mahalo to Kelsey Poaha and her very talented decorations committee!
Photo by Barry Villamil |
Mahalo to PCCA Board Member Kyle Miyashiro and former PCCA Board Member Eunice Espinoza
for preparing the ono breakfast for our PCCA members and guests pictured here to enjoy.
Photo by Barry Villamil |
Mahalo to all of the Bingo Bash prizes provided by our very generous sponsors.
Photo by Barry Villamil |
Photo by Barry Villamil |
Photo by Barry Villamil |
Photo by Barry Villamil |
Photo by Barry Villamil |
Photo by Barry Villamil |
Photo by Barry Villamil |