Pearlridge, Manana, Palisades Elementary third graders receive RCOP Good Citizen Awards

The Rotary Club of Pearlridge presented third grade students Genna Fukumitsu (Pearlridge Elementary), and Isabella Seaman (Manana Elementary), and Sidney Taise (Palisades Elementary) with Dictionary 5000 Good Citizen Awards during last week’s awards ceremonies held at their schools.

Earlier in the 2017-2018 school year, RCOP community volunteers delivered over 800 free dictionaries to third graders and their teachers representing the 12 participating Pearl City and Aiea elementary schools. The dictionary donations were a part of Rotary International's Annual Dictionary 5000 Project. The 12 students were chosen by their teachers to receive a Good Citizen Award which includes a $50.00 check and recognition certificate from the RCOP. Each Good Citizen Award winning student who best exemplified the principles of Rotary International’s Four Way Test throughout the school year, were chosen by their teachers to receive the award.

"Four Way Test"

1.  Is it the truth;
2.  Is it fair to all concerned,
3.  Will it bring good will and better friendships,
4.  Will it be beneficial to all concerned.



Rotary Club of Pearlridge Good Citizen Award Winner


Pearlridge Elementary School

Presented on Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Pearlridge Rotarian David Matsushita presents Pearlridge Elementary third

grader Genna Fukumitsu with her Good Citizen Award and $50.00 check.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Genna is pictured with Rotary Club of Pearlridge Good Citizen Award

presenters from L-R: Dick Mosko, Rick Lau, and David Matsushita.


Rotary Club of Pearlridge Good Citizen Award Winner


Manana Elementary School

Presented on Thursday, May 24, 2018

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Manana Elementary third grader Isabella Seaman is pictured holding her $50.00 Good

Citizen Award check with Pearlridge Rotarian Dick Mosko and her proud mom Elisa.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]


Rotary Club of Pearlridge Good Citizen Award Winner


Palisades Elementary School

Presented on Friday, May 25, 2018

Photo provide by Rick Lau

Good Citizen Award winner Sydney Taise form Palisades Elementary

School is pictured with Pearlridge Rotarians Rick Lau and David Matsushita.