Highlands Intermediate Student Council Celebrates National Student Leadership Week with 4 Awesome Activities!

Written by Eric White, Student Activites Coordinator / After School Sports Coordinator, Highlands Intermediate School:

As a final project in Leadership Class, each student council was tasked to plan and implement an activity in celebration of National Student Leadership Week 2017.  They took all the skills and experiences from Leadership Class and from several Leadership camps and workshops throughout the year to come up with 4 meaningful and effective service projects.  Below are the narratives of the events…more information and pictures can be found by clicking on the links below each event.

Sending to Our Soldiers

Atten Hut! As a part of our National Student Leadership Week 2017 (#NSLW2017), the Dance Committee was tasked to plan a special project to show how student leaders positively impact the school and community. The activity? A care package drive, named “Sending To Our Soldiers”! For 2 weeks, tons of donations came rolling in from all over campus, and it couldn’t have turned out better! In honor of Armed Forces Day on Saturday, May 20, 2017, the donations will be shipped out to soldiers in war zones all across the world. Thank you very much to everyone that donated something to “Sending To Our Soldiers!” – Ahnjeli, Dance Committee Chairperson


Student Leadership Week Elementary Mini Leadership Workshops

“Come in, come in, don't stop, don't stop, don't stop….” On April 19 and 27 the Highlands 8th Grade Council visited Pearl City and Lehua Elementary schools for Leadership Week 2017. We cheered them up by, of course, starting with off with tons of cheers, icebreakers and energizers! From there we focused on teaching specific leadership skills through fun activities like Card Towers, Team Cup Stack Challenge! and Cat and Mouse. We honestly had such a great time during Leadership Week, I mean look at these pictures! The students got to learn some very meaningful skills that they will surely use in the near future, like when they come up to our school, Highlands Intermediate ๐Ÿ˜‰   Thea, 8th Grade Secretary



PCHES Reading Buddies 2017

Who misses bedtime stories and all those tales of knights and dragons, Very Hungry Caterpillars and Little Bears, and who could ever forget Green Eggs and Ham?!? Those were the best, right?!? The Highlands Intermediate Student Council wanted recreate that experience with our little buddies from Pearl City Highlands Elementary School right next door. It’s PCHES Reading Buddies time and we all got to bond, run small group icebreakers, large group energizers and read to all 4 kindergarten classes over a span of 5 weeks!! It was so much fun seeing the kids play and also ask questions about the books we were reading. The only thing we heard from the all Student Council members was, “I want to go back,… I can’t wait for next week!” Doing the PCHES Reading Buddies service project helped our Student Council achieve the GLO’s by becoming better Community Contributors and Effective Communicators. This was an awesome way to kick off the 4th Quarter and leave a positive influence for the next generation!! Errol, 8th Grade President




Highlands Student Council Induction Ceremony 2017

Well, it's finally time to say goodbye to the old student council and welcome in the new…it was bittersweet to say the least! The Highlands StuCo Induction Ceremony took place on Saturday 4/22/17 at Dave & Buster’s in downtown Honolulu 5 weeks before the end of the 16-17 sy. Our special guest was City Councilman Brandon Elefante who had some insightful and encouraging words for both the current and incoming members in the audience. Later, we congratulated the current student council for an amazing job this year and then had a candle lighting ceremony where the new student council members agreed to a pledge, an oath of their new offices. After the official ceremony we planned on lightening things up with some team building activities…like the Ultimate D&B Scavenger Hunt. We got into 3 groups and intimidated each other with some group cheers to start off with. From getting signatures on a napkin to finding the year the venue opened, we all had fun so much fun! The Highlands StuCo Induction Ceremony was an amazing event never to be forgotten.  Kiley, Student Government Treasurer



What is National Student Leadership Week?

National Student Leadership Week (NSLW) is a theme-based week dedicated to recognizing and supporting the important role of student leaders. Since 1972, the national office of the National Association of Student Councils, National Honor Society, and National Junior Honor Society has sponsored NSLW. Each year, chapters and councils are encouraged to plan a special project to show how student leaders positively impact the school and community. NSLW 2017 is being celebrated April 16-22. The 2017 theme is "Making a World of Difference," amplifying a two-year student leadership initiative currently underway focusing on global citizenship.  https://www.nasc.us/programs-and-conferences/national-student-leadership-week?SSO=true


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