Written by Moana Aquino, The Highlands Voice, Highlands Intermediate School:
Chewing gum, food, and phones are not allowed! Every school has their own list of rules that their students abide by, but what do Highlands students think of these rules?
Skylar Antolin, an eighth grader on Hooko, disagrees with many school rules. Antolin reveals that the two school rules that he breaks often: the usage of phones and not being able to eat in class. He explains that being able to use phones in class is important to look up information about topics he is learning about and helps to make classes less boring. Also, he adds that eating or snacking in class could help students who do not eat breakfast at home or at school and who get hungry during classes.
However, one rule that Antolin strongly disagrees with, but abides to, is the school uniform policy. He strongly disagrees with this rule because he believes that students should be able to wear anything they want as long as it is appropriate. Another Hooko student Sean Ivy, agrees with Antolin saying that he wears the school uniform to school because it is a requirement, but dislikes wearing the same thing every school day. “I don’t know why we have to have uniforms because the high school (Pearl City High School) doesn’t and isn’t middle school supposed to prepare us for high school?” Antolin asked.
However, school principal Mrs. Martinson addresses one of the most controversial school rule: no phones. Mrs. Martinson states that one of the school rules is that as soon as students step on campus, no electronics should be on or used. She also reveals that students are not allowed to bring out their phones because it is a personal item that is very expensive. And it has a chance of being stolen and students’ phones distract the school’s intentions because many students get distracted from the use social media such as Snapchat during classes. Mrs. Martinson says that she is working at this school to enforce rules that she and school community council (including parents, students, and teachers) think will help, not distract students.
Despite students’ negative opinions, she sheds light on this situation by explaining that she is not the only one with many rules to follow. “I think students need to know that I’m governed by rules too and giving them rules to follow teaches that we are all governed by rules, especially in the future when these students are working in whatever career they chose,” Mrs. Martinson explained.
Although there are many school rules that students do not agree with, these rules are present to benefit their learning in school. However, if there are any rules that students strongly disagree with, be willing to ask any teachers or even Mrs. Martinson about them.
Photo by The Highlands Voice, Highlands Intermediate School
Alex Padilla frowns as he hands Mr. Tominaga his phone
after being caught on social media app, Snapchat.