I know I'm a day late, but I sure miss my Mom. Pictured here with my Dad who both live in Heaven. My Mom was always there for her kids. Den Mother, Girl Scout Leader, Baseball scorekeeper, Lady with the hot chocolate thermos when my brother and I played youth football in the snow in Kansas City. Kool-Aid Lady in the summer. Always on the shoreline with a cold drink at the end of each regatta race. Best oatmeal raisin, peanut butter, and sugar cookies and pumpkin crunch squares! Yes, that's why I'm a fat man today with diabetes! Only kidding, she's watching me!
My Mom took care of her children when my Dad went to fight and defend our country in Vietnam as a proud Marine in the late '60's.
What I also truly loved and admired about my Mom was her devotion to her Christian Faith while serving, along with my Dad, as Eucharistic Ministers at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Pearl City.
She was also a very dedicated pre-school teacher who loved all her students well beyond her retirement at Our Lady of Good Counsel School.
My Mom always picked me up when I needed it. (just give me a cookie and some Kool-Aid and I'll be okay).
Love ya Mom!