Pearl City Little League brings Pacheco Park back to a “Shining Diamond”!

Jan 10, 2016 | PC Sports

Mahalo to all the Pearl City Little League volunteers led by PCLL President Eric Boyles who spent Saturday, January 9 clearing the grass and weeds from the Pacheco Park baseball diamond. The infield was totally overgrown and the volunteers worked really hard to clear and clean it up.

There is still work to be done to the field, but the PCLL volunteers accomplished a lot on Saturday with the tools they had. Their efforts to restore and maintain their home field ball park, secures the perpetuation of PCLL's winning tradition and legacy known throughout the globe.

Mahalo to Councilman Brandon Elefante and the city parks and recreation department for making sure the grass was cut throughout the Pacheco Park grounds. Also, mahalo for the dirt and cinders that the city provided for the volunteers to use to dress the field.

Great job guys! PC Pride!


Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]