Fans From Fans successfully surpassed their goal of 251 fans by raising enough donations from our generous Pearl City community to provide Pearl City High School classrooms with 260 fans.
Fans From Fans organizers and volunteers spent the last two Saturday's soliciting donations from their PCHS Fan Drive tent located near Foodland at the Pearl City Shopping Center.
Last week 108 fans were delivered by City Mill to Pearl City High School. Saturday's 152 fan donations will also be delivered to PCHS (TBA).
From Jaci Agustin via Facebook:
A great big MAHALO to everyone involved in our fan drive for Pearl City High School! We exceeded our goal of 251 and raised enough for 260 fans! This would not have been possible without team work and the Pearl City community! Special thanks to Eric Ching, Jack James, City Mill, Pearl City Shopping Center, all the volunteers and of course all of the donors! WE DID IT!