On Saturday, August 8, I was inducted into the Pearl City Lions Club along with Lion Wesley Machida and Lion Kai Ohashi in a ceremony held at Damien Memorial School during the Lions Disrtict 50 Hawaii Cabinet Meeting.
I would like to personally thank Lion Alice Kudo and Lion Paul Kudo for all their help and guidance in preparing me for the induction, and also mahalo to my sponsor Lion Jits Fujimura.
I'm very proud and honored to begin serving my community as a member of the Pearl City Lions Club!
Lions Pledge
I pledge allegiance to my country
and to the cause of peace
throughout the World.
I believe in the principles of
Lionism as contained in the
Lions Code of Ethics.
I am proud to be a Lion
dedicated to the service others.
Photo courtesy of Lion Paul Kudo
(Pictured from L-R): Zone Chair Raymond Nii, President Curtis Lee, Lion Wesley Machida,
Lion Jits Fujimura, Lion Barry Villamil, Lion Kai Ohashi and Lion Alice Kudo.