The Oahu Urban Garden Center's Peace & Rose Garden in Pearl City has become the venue for future Eagle Scouts in Central Oahu to earn the Boy Scouts highest ranking and honor through community service projects that they, plan, coordinate, execute, and lead volunteers from its beginning to competition.
On Tuesday, July 29, Landon Lee from Troop 147 in Aiea embarked on his Eagle Scout community service project at the UGC Rose & Peace Garden that will be incorporate a four-part work schedule that will involve clearing brush, building a brick terrace, spreading gravel in the garden seating area, and working mulch into the thriving Honolulu Rose Society rose beds.
"Today we're cutting the trees down and putting them in a pile so we can clean it up, that's just this part of the project," said Lee. "The other part of the project is building the terrace, putting bricks on top of each other in a certain fashion. We're going to gather up the mulch and clear it away. We're also going to spread some gravel around the benches to act like a natural pathway. The fourth part of the project is to dig down in the dirt and put some mulch and manure in to help the roses grow."
Bob Speer, past President of the Urban Garden Center's Master Gardener Program and lead coordinator in the development and future growth of the UGC Peace & Rose Garden, worked alongside Lee and his ohana, which included his mom, brother, and friends, to help get the project ready for this Saturday's work detail that will involve over 50 volunteers who will converge on the property to complete Lee's community service project.
"We're prepping all the different areas so that on Saturday we can have different work forces work on different parts of the project," said Speer. "We'll start at about 8:00am and have a little briefing session and then do a little training in respective areas about what the people in that particular area will take care of. We'll be out here for about three to four hours. We're expecting up to 50 people including some Rosearians and some Rotarians and a whole bunch of great Eagle Scouts, Boys Scouts, as well as their parents."
Lee, who is an incoming 10th grader at the Hawaii Technology Academy, is working hard to attain the distinction of becoming an Eagle Scout. Upon completion of the UGC Peace & Rose Garden project on Saturday, Lee will be one step away from earning his Eagle Scout badge after an Eagle Scout board review. would like to wish Landon Lee all the best and would like to say mahalo to him and his supporters for volunteering their time to help improve and beautify the UGC and our Pearl City community.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Pictured at the Urban Garden Center's Peace & Rose Garden in Pearl City
on Tuesday, July 29, 2014 (from L-R), Sam Lehmann, Bradley Fredricks,
Keenan Lee (brother & Eagle Scout) Landon Lee, Lois Lee (mom), and Robert Speer.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Eagle Scout candidate Landon Lee and volunteers pictured clearing brush for a new
path at the Urban Garden Center's Peace & Rose Garden on Tuesday, July 29, 2014.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Volunteers load brush to be hauled away.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Landon Lee's path to Eagle Scout at the UGC.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Lee is pictured presenting his Eagle Scout community service project with Bob Speer at the
Rotary Club of Pearlridge weekly lunch meeting held at the Pearl Country Club on July 11, 2014.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Beauty of the Garden! File Photo | [email protected]
UGC Honolulu Rose Society Peace Garden File Photo | [email protected]
UGC Honolulu Rose Society Rose Garden