The Rotary Club of Pearlridge kicked off their annual Rotary Dictionary 5000 Project on Tuesday at Palisades Elementary School in Pearl City. The Dictionary 5000 Project is presented and by the Pearlridge Rotarians who generously donate free dictionaries to third grade students from both the Aiea and Pearl City school districts.
This year, the Rotary Club of Pearlridge will distribute 749 dictionaries to third grade students representing twelve area elementary schools. Also receiving free dictionaries are 33 teachers and 17 aides for a total distribution of 799 dictionaries. Presentations will be made at each school during the months of January and February.
Alvah Scott (Aiea)
Gus Webling (Aiea)
Pearlridge Elementary (Aiea)
St. Elizabeth (Aiea)
Our Savior Lutheran (Aiea)
Lehua Elementary (Pearl City)
Manana Elementary (Pearl City)
Momilani Elementary (Pearl City)
Palisades Elementary (Pearl City)
Pearl City Elementary (Pearl City)
Pearl City Highlands Elementary (Pearl City)
Waiau Elementary (Pearl City)
This weeks presentations:
Tues. 1/21 Palisades Elementary
Wed. 1/22 St. Elizabeth School
Wed. 1/22 Pearl City Highlands Elementary
Thurs. 1/23: Momilani Elementary
Thurs. 1/23 Manana Elementary
The Rotary Club of Pearlridge will also award $100 savings bonds at the end of the school year to one boy and one girl that best exemplifies Rotary International's "Service Above Self" and the Principles of the "Four Way Test".
1. Is it the truth;
2. Is it fair to all concerned,
3. Will it bring good will and better friendships
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned.
Each dictionary features the Four Way Test which is attached to the inside front cover for the students to use as reference tool.
The third graders got an opportunity on Monday to break in their new dictionaries as they all participated in the task of looking up specific words and their definitions. The students also practiced their sign language skills from the chart included in each dictionary.
Mahalo to Palisades Elementary School Principal, Mrs. Suzanne Yamada, and third grade teachers Mrs. Sugai, Mr. Ho and Ms. Rapoza.
Also, mahalo to the following Rotary Club of Pearlridge members who participated in Monday's dictionary presentation: Dick Mosko, Rick Lau, Ed Kido, Gordon Arakaki, and myself, Barry Villamil.
Next up, St. Elizabeth School and Pearl City Highlands Elementary!
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Pictured with Palisades Elementary School third graders from Ms. Rapoza's class (holding their brand new
dicitionaries) from (L-R), Rotarians Gordon Arakaki, Rick Lau, Ms. Rapoza, Ed Kido and Dick Mosko.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Gordon (top left) and Dick (top right), are pictured with third grade teachers, Mrs. Sugai and Mr. Ho along
with third grade students who are having a great time posing for a photo with their new dictionaries.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Ms. Rapoza's third grade class.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Mrs. Sugai and Mr. Ho's third grade class.