Representatives from the Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association stopped by Momilani Elementary School on Monday, August 1 to present Principal Doreen Higa with a $1000 Pearl City Shopping Center (PCSC) gift certificate donation.
Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association Board member, Sheri Rolf presented Principal Higa with 10 – $100 PCSC gift certificates during a morning "welcome back to school" assembly in the Momilani Elementary School cafeteria.
"The Pearl City Shopping Center merchants look kindly upon us," said Higa. "A thousand dollars goes a long way for a small school. In this lean year of budget cuts, we go without a lot, and it's so nice to receive this surprise. We really want to thank the merchants from the Pearl City Shopping Center for this gift."
Momilani Elementary was the second of four schools scheduled to receive a $1000 PCSC gift certificate donation for the 2011-2012 school year. Manana Elementary received their donation on Tuesday, July 26. Pearl City Elementary is scheduled for Friday, August 12, followed by Kanoelani Elementary on Wednesday, August 17.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Sheri Rolf (right) presents Principal Doreen Higa with 10 – $1000 Pearl City Shopping Center gift certificates on Monday, August 1, 2011 at the Momilani Elementary School cafeteria.