Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast held at Lehua Elementary


At Lehua Elementary School in Pearl City, Principal Fay Toyama can count on a dedicated core of parent, community, business and military volunteers to support her school's needs from manpower to generous donations.

On Friday, May 13, 2011, Lehua Elementary School hosted their annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast in the school's cafeteria for about forty volunteers. Principal Toyama and school PCNC, Lenna Crosby got things started by welcoming everyone to the early morning event.

Volunteers were treated to a breakfast buffett that included; fresh baked pastries, breads, fresh fruit, breakfast sausage, fried rice, coffee and juice.

After breakfast, each volunteer was called to the stage to receive a volunteer appreciation certificate and gift bag. The gift bags were decorated by the students with messages of appreciation for supporting their school. Principal Toyama also identified their contributions as volunteers during the 2010-2011 school year.

Rotarians, Roy Matsuo and Gordon Arakaki from the Rotary Club of Pearlridge, were recognized for volunteering during the school library renovations. Club members helped pack up library books for the commencement of the renovations and upon completion, they returned to unpack and restock the library shelves.

The Rotary Club of Pearlridge is just one example of how volunteers from the community have come together to join other volunteers to support Lehua Elementary School.

Volunteers have stepped up in many ways to support the school from; traffic safety sign waving campaigns, before and after school crossing guards, school beautification projects, cafeteria duties, field trip chaperones, subject tutors to product, equipment and monetary donations.

Principal Toyama has incorporated within the school's curriculum, Stephen Covey's, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The students are learning leadership,  and teamwork skills that builds confidence to achieve through discipline. Skills that they will carry beyond their years at Lehua Elementary School.

A stronger sense of pride has grown and manifested itself around campus in recent years, resulting in a higher level of motivation for those who choose to support the school as a volunteer.

Congratulations to all of the volunteers who were recognized and honored for their contributions.

                                                       Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Rotarians, Roy Matsuo (left) and Gordon Arakaki (right) from the Rotary Club of Pearlridge, pose with their volunteer appreciation certificates and gift bags.