Pearl City Chargers Boys & Girls State Bowling Champions honored at Honolulu Hale

Mar 20, 2025 | PC Community, PC INK, PC Schools, PC Sports

By Tony Madrona, Charger Boys Bowling Head Coach, Pearl City High School

What a great morning for Pearl City High School and the Pearl City Community! The HHSAA State Championship Boys and Girls of Pearl City High school Bowling teams were invited & recognized at Honolulu Hale with a presentation ceremony.

It took a lot of effort and help from individuals to make this a memorable event for our student athletes.

I want to recognize the following: Jocelyn Robert, Aaron Wilson, Coach Millie & myself Coach Tony.

City Council Members: Val A. Okimoto, Andria Tupola, Matt Weyers, Esther Kai’aina, Tommy Waters, Scott Nishimoto, Tyler Dos Santos-Tam & Augie Tulba.

Thank you PCHS parents for supporting and taking great pictures.

“One Heart One Beat”

Charger Pride!

Photos courtesy of Tony Madrona