By Barry Villamil
Welcome to the Pearl City Shopping Center’s Messages of Life W.A.L.L. – With Aloha, Love Lives (forever). Beginning on Thursday, December 5, 2024, Messages of Life W.A.L.L. will be themed H.O.P.E. – Heal Our Planet Earth, which was created by Barry Villamil to inspire messages that share one’s thoughts about making our world a better place to live by caring for one another and our planet Earth in the spirit of Aloha.
H.O.P.E. begins in our hearts as it embraces Healing while sharing and resonating Love, Kindness, Goodness, and Compassion to all that live, breathe, and dream of a Peaceful planet Earth.
Please share your messages of H.O.P.E. Heal Our Planet Earth on Messages of Life W.A.L.L. – With Aloha, Love Lives (forever) at the Pearl City Shopping Center. The W.A.L.L. is located on the Mauka side of the shopping center.
Happy Holidays!
Photos by Barry Villamil