By Tony Madrona, Boys Head Coach, Pearl City Chargers Bowling
We’re in week 5 of PCHS bowling season, Girls team has a 2500 pin lead over Campbell High School and looks to take the OIA west title. under Legendary Coach Millie Gomes
Leading the westside Girls, Senior Samantha Kanehailua averaging 187, High game 247, High series 630.
The rest of this awesome team are:
Kaila Kamahiai (J)
Alicen Ichimura (J)
Jayda Kanakaole (S.Capt)
Journey Abadilla (F)
Haylie Ideue (J)
Saunette Oshiro (S)
Started off slow on a very demanding oil pattern, but found their groove midway through the season, leading 600 pins over Waipahu High School with 3 weeks to go! to take the OIA west title under Coach Tony Madrona.
Leading the westside boys is (Senior Capt. ) Jayden Kadooka averaging 195, High game of 24, High series 660.
The rest of this awesome team are:
Ryder Baisac (F)
Maddox Cayetano (J)
Trenton Ichimura (F)
Jason Kanakaole (S)
Jayze Kanakaole (F)
Zaydden Kamahiai (F)
Zander Komoto-Rafael (F)
Travis Ohta (J)
Titan Vickery (S)
Jorden Yamamura (S)
Like to thank PCHS AD Reid Shigemasa, the Pearl City Community, our PHCS boosters parents, aunties, uncles and grandparents for all your support!
Here are some candid’s from this season matches and practices:
Photos courtesy of Coach Tony Madrona and Jorden Yamamura