By Barry Villamil, President Rotary Club of Pearlridge, Mana Loa Nimitz Lions Club member
Hawaii District 50 Lions, Moanalua High School Leo Club, and Rotary Club of Pearlridge volunteers representing Hawai’i Rotary District 5000, came together on Saturday, September 21 at the Hawai’i State Capitol to help collect food and monetary donations in support of the Hawai’i Lions Club Fall Food Drive in support of the Hawai’i Foodbank.
The statewide Food Drive was organized by District 50 Lions and led by District Governor Dr. Lori Inouye-Yamashita. Volunteers accepted canned foods, non-perishable items, and monetary donations. The drive-by food drive ran from 8:00am-12:00pm fronting the State Capitol on Beretania street. Volunteers lined both sides of Beretania Street sign waving and collecting fish net cash donations. Volunteers also unloaded and accepted drive-by donations.
Saturday’s Statewide donations collected will benefit the following organizations:
Hawai’i Foodbank
Hawai’i Foodbank Kaua’i
The Food Basket
Maui Foodbank
Kaua’i Independent Foodbank
Mahalo to Lion Ellsworth Fujii, District 50 Lions Hunger Awareness Chair, and Gordon Arakaki, Treasurer, Rotary Club of Pearlridge for coordinating the RCOP participation in the food drive. It was another great opportunity for both the Lions and Rotarians to join together as one to serve the community in support of those in need of nourishment throughout the state.
Also, mahalo to the Moanalua High School Leo Club representing the Moanalua Lions Club for volunteering their time on Saturday. They did an excellent job and brought a wonderful, energetic spirit while encouraging drive-by donations.
I would also like to say mahalo to my fellow RCOP buddies who helped out on Saturday:
Dick Mosko, Gordon Arakaki, Rick Lau, and Mary Villamil
I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity to reaching our goal of working together as Lions and Rotarians in 2024-2025 while building upon our partnership and commitment to bettering the lives we touch as members of two of the world’s largest service organization.
As both a Lion (Mana Loa Nimitz Lions Club) and President of the Rotary Club of Pearlridge, I am humbled by the experiences and bond between our organizations that are life changing while delivering HOPE with every step we take forward and unselfishly volunteer our time, heartfelt energy, resources, and compassion for those in need.
Videos and Photos by Barry Villamil

Hawaii District 50 Lions District Governor Dr. Lori Inouye-Yamashita
Rotary District 5000 Past District Governor and Rotary Club of Pearlridge Past President Dick Mosko