By Barry Villamil
Momilani Elementary School presented BIOMES, Animals and Plants in their Habitats performed by the school’s Kindergarten class on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 before a packed house in the school cafeteria. The student performers were wonderful and entertained the school student body, faculty and staff, family, friends, and community supporters with their inspirational performances while singing their hearts out as BIOMES cast members. The Kindergarteners starred in 8:30am and 6:00pm performances much to the delight of the Momilani Elementary School ohana.
BIOMES, Animals and Plants in their Habitats is written by John Heath and Lisa Adams and directed by Shannon Winpenny.
Mahalo to Momilani Elementary School for inviting me to experience BIOMES and for the opportunity to join in an overwhelming and heartfelt applause from the Momilani Elementary School ohana while congratulating and celebrating the success of the cast members and support team.
Video and photos by Barry Villamil |