By Barry Villamil
At the beginning of the 2023/2024 school year, the Rotary Club of Pearlridge (RCOP) set their sights on reaching a goal of bringing together our current RCOP Youth Interact Leadership Program which includes Pearl City High School, Highlands Intermediate School (HIS), and Cross Academy School, with other Hawaii Rotary District 5000 sponsored Interact Clubs to collaborate with community and educational projects, as well as social bonding events.
This past Saturday, November 18, we took a very positive and inspiring step forward to reaching our goal as an amazing and hardworking group of Waipahu High School Interact Club community volunteers and leaders, led by advisors Jarek Garcia and Barron Lum partnered with Pearl City High School and Highlands Intermediate Interact advisors and club members, and RCOP community volunteers to beautify and clean-up a portion of the Pearl Harbor Bike Path at the Pu’uloa Springs native Hawaiian Garden. The Pu’uloa Springs native Hawaiian Garden is located along the Pearl Harbor Bike Path and historic Pearl Harbor Shoreline between Blaisdell Park and the Hawaiian Electric Waiau Power Plant in Aiea/Pearl City.
RCOP community chairperson and past President Lasar McCabe leads the Pu’uloa Springs native Hawaiian Garden Project and is the inspiration for the garden’s success while uniting volunteers representing our Interact Clubs, schools, community organizations, government, and corporate supporters who are all contributors to the RCOP’s sustainable, green, environmental efforts to beautify while caring for the aina and perpetuating our Hawaiian culture.
Mahalo to Pearl City High School Interact Club advisors Dane Souza, Vanessa Tadena, and Waipahu High School Interact Club advisors Jarek Garcia and Barron Lum for reaching out to one another to coordinate meeting and working together at Pu’uloa Springs on Saturday.
A special mahalo to Advisor Eric White and the Highlands Intermediate Interact Club for their dedication to the beautification of Pu’uloa Springs. The HIS Interact Club members also represent the 2022/2023 HIS National Award winning Student Council. We are all very proud of their national recognition and success.
I also want to say mahalo to RCOP President and past District Governor Dick Mosko and to the RCOP community volunteers who play an integral role while putting their heart and soul into making our community a better place to live and enjoy with ohana and friends.
As Rotarians we live with “Service Above Self” in our hearts and with everything we do. Saturday’s Pu’uloa Springs Beautification Project was a shining example of how Rotary can grow and perpetuate itself towards the future as an international service organization from our youth leadership and co-sponsorship and mentorship from Rotary clubs, community supporters, businesses, and organizations.
As our Hawaii Rotary District 5000 Interact Clubs build their leadership skills through community volunteer projects, mentorships, and the many educational opportunities provided by Rotary, they truly represent the future of Rotary in our world.
The future of Rotary International lives and thrives within the success, dedication, educational goals reached, creativity, and commitment to caring and kindness for others from our current and future Hawaii Rotary District 5000 Youth Interact Leadership Programs.
Mahalo once again to Rotary Interact Clubs and advisors from Pearl City High School, Highlands Intermediate School, and Waipahu High School for joining the Rotary Club of Pearlridge at Pu’uloa Springs on Saturday.
Proud to be a Rotarian!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Video and Photos by Barry Villamil