From: Head Coach Robin Puahala, Pearl City High School Judo Team
The Pearl City High School Judo Team and Hawaii Kaikaku Judo Club partnered with Never Quit Dreaming to offer an 8-week Judo introduction program to the special needs community. Never Quit Dreaming is a non-profit organization that offers accommodating activities for Hawaii’s special needs children and their families.
Throughout May and June the Pearl City High Judo players volunteered their time to assist and teach the kids Judo. The high school team is large in numbers and could partner with a child one to one. Each week they spent precious teaching time with their “buddy” and came to know them well. The high school team and kids enjoyed every minute of it and were sad when it came to an end this past Saturday.
All the Judo lessons were donated by the Pearl City High School Judo Team and Hawaii Kaikaku Judo Club. A special thanks to the Pearl City High School Athletic Department and the Pearl City High School Administration for donating the facilities to the special needs community.
At the end of the sessions, all participants received a certificate of completion and the Never Quit Dreaming Families threw a potluck for the high school team.
Also, seniors pictured in the bottom photo came on graduation day so they wouldn’t let their buddies down.
Photos provided by Head Coach Robin Puahala