I would like to share with you one of the most inspirational moments that I have ever experienced while visiting with students and teachers in the Pearl City District School Complex.
Following yesterday’s visit to the Manana Elementary School third grade class to present the winners of the Rotary Club of Pearlridge annual Good Citizen Awards, I was asked by their teachers to stay for a quick presentation from the students. I was overwhelmed when presented with a couple collages of photos and thank you post it messages for visiting their class earlier in the school year as a quest speaker. I was invited to speak about growing up in Pearl City and the special things that made it a fun place to live. I also presented my Stuck on Aloha Traveling W.A.L.L. – With Aloha, Love Lives forever. The students came up, one by one, to post and share their Messages of Aloha.
To show their appreciation for my earlier visit to their classroom, they honored me yesterday with their heartfelt, inspirational, personal thank you messages that truly touched my heart. The students also asked me to sign their 2022-2023 yearbooks. That was pretty cool!
The students are filled with the spirit of Aloha for me and those they come in contact in their lives. I will always remember their generosity, kindness, inspiration, and wonderful smiles.
Thank you to Manana Elementary School third grade teachers, Ms. Iris Stokes and Ms. Cynthia Nagamine for their friendship and welcoming me each year into their classrooms to visit their students and continue the bond of learning, great experiences, and sharing the spirit of Aloha.
With Aloha, Love Lives forever…