The Rotary Club of Pearlridge (RCOP) are well into presenting their annual Good Citizen awards to deserving third grade students in 12 Aiea and Pearl City schools. One boy and one girl from each school will receive a congratulatory letter along with a $50.00 check for being chosen by their teachers for best representing the Principles of Rotary International’s Four Way Test.
“Four Way Test”
1. Is it the truth,
2. Is it fair to all concerned,
3. Will it bring good will and better friendships,
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned.
In the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, Rotary Club of Pearlridge members visited each school’s third grade classrooms to present free dictionaries to the students and their teachers. Over 600 dictionaries purchased by the RCOP were personally passed out, as well as introductions to the Principles of the Four Way Test that was included in each dictionary. The students were also introduced to the Good Citizen Awards and the possibility of being chosen as a 2022-2023 recipient.
It’s always a very rewarding experience to see the smiles and excitement from the students as they receive their very own, brand new dictionaries. It’s also a lot of fun to interact with the students and their teachers while looking up words in their dictionaries. The initial interaction with the third grade students in the Dictionary 5000 Project will build a bond for those who progress in their education from elementary school to Highlands Intermediate, and to Pearl City High School. Our goal at the RCOP is to one day welcome them to the RCOP Youth Interact Leadership Program. Many of the students currently in the RCOP Youth Interact Leadership Programs at Highlands Intermediate School and Pearl City High School are recipients of the RCOP Rotary International Dictionary 5000 free dictionary program.
Congratulations to all 2022-2023 Rotary Club of Pearlridge Good Citizen Awards Recipients!
2022-2023 RCOP Dictionary 5000 / Good Citizen Awards Presentations
Pearl City / Aiea Schools
Kanoelani Elementary
Lehua Elementary
Manana Elementary School
Momilani Elementary
Palisades Elementary
Pearl City Elementary
Pearl City Highlands Elementary
Pearl Ridge Elementary
Waiau Elementary
Alvah Scott Elementary
Our Savior Lutheran
St. Elizabeth School

Photo courtesy of Masaru Uchino, Momilani Elementary School

Photo by Barry Villamil |