Blood Bank of Hawaii develops bold new plan to address COVID-19

Mar 23, 2020 | PC Community

Due to public concern about the risk of COVID-19 in public gatherings, Blood Bank of Hawaii is canceling all upcoming blood drives – including on neighbor islands – as of Monday, March 23. As the stewards Hawaii’s blood supply, however, we must balance the need for public safety with the need to maintain adequate and continuous levels of blood. Meeting both needs requires a bold new approach. Therefore, we created a safe donation environment which complies with the social distancing recommendations while also allowing us to collect the necessary blood to sustain our community.


What is this new approach?

  • Donations will be taken by appointment only.
  • We will have six donation centers:

    • Young Street Donor Center
    • Five new pop-ups
  • To comply with CDC and Department of Health social distancing guidelines, all of our facilities have been reorganized so that donors are six or more feet away from each other at all stages of the donation process.
  • All locations will have pre-screening stations.
  • No more than 10 donors at a time will be in any one room.
  • All potential walk-ins will be asked to make an appointment.



Where and when can you give blood?

  • Young Street Donor Center:

    • Monday – Thursday (6:30 am – 6:30 pm)
    • Friday – Sunday (6:30 am – 4:30 pm)
  • Dillingham Headquarters

    • Monday – Thursday (6:30 am – 6:30 pm)
    • Friday – Sunday (6:30 am – 4:30 pm)
  • Kailua Town Center in partnership with Alexander & Baldwin

    • Monday – Wednesday (6:30 am – 6:30 pm)
    • Sunday (6:30 am – 4:30 pm)
  • Kaneohe Bay Shopping Center in partnership with Alexander & Baldwin

    • Thursday (6:30 am – 6:30 pm)
    • Friday & Saturday (6:30 am – 4:30 pm)
  • Waikele Center in partnership with American Assets

    • Monday – Wednesday (6:30 am – 6:30 pm)
    • Sunday (6:30 am – 4:30 pm)
  • KROC Center Hawaii in partnership with the Salvation Army
    • Thursday (6:30 am – 6:30 pm)
    • Friday & Saturday (6:30 am – 4:30 pm)



What can you do as a LifeSaver Club coordinator?

  • We need your help!
  • Your drive may be cancelled, but your group can still save lives and you can lead the way
  • Ask your members to make appointments at a donation center.
  • Hold your members accountable by calling, texting, emailing or posting social media reminders about appointments already made.
  • Discuss with your account manager ways to partner in order to help each other
  • Remind everyone to give the appropriate Group ID at registration.
  • Ask them to pledge to help us save lives not only now but over the next few months


We will be making a public announcement through media outlets, but we wanted you to know first. And remember, in these trying times, it is easy to feel isolated and fearful. But our BBH community has the opportunity to come together and take care of one another. It is so important to fill appointments not only now, but also we ask for you to pledge to make appointments for the next few months. Mahalo to everyone who has and will continue to donate.


To make an appointment, visit our website: or call (808) 848-4770. Please see our scheduling calendar below.