I am excited to share that the Pearl City Lions Club is continuing the Holiday Baskets project for the second year. We are asking for assistance again in identifying Pearl City community members that may benefit from receiving a holiday gift basket.
The Holiday Baskets will contain a main dish, vegetables, dessert and some local favorites. Our plan is to deliver the baskets to 30 families in the Pearl City Community on Saturday, December 21st.
Pearl City Lions have been serving the community since 1965. Our club is part of the larger Lions organization established in 1917. In 1925, Helen Keller addressed the Lions at their international convention and had such an impact that the organization pledged to become her “knights of the blind” in a crusade against darkness. Accordingly, our signature projects are the Vision, Hearing, and Amblyopia screenings conducted on preschool and elementary school children. The Pearl City Lions also serve the community through:
Complex school projects – environmental, maintenance, partner with LEO clubs, provide grants to high school seniors, support to Project Graduation
Support the Foodbank and elderly – canned good drive, entertain at Pearl City Nursing Home
Support the blind – provide funding for projects and travel costs to conventions for the blind
Support the community – Pearl Harbor Bike Path Cleaning, Peace Day event at the Pearl City Urban Garden Center, Wheelchair Bowling, Safe Sidewalks, Storm Drain Stenciling, Bloodbank Blood Drive
Thank you for your help in continuing this Pearl City Lions Club endeavor. We hope that these gift baskets will help a families in our community during the holiday season.
I’ve attached the letter and form for your review. Please contact me with any questions regarding the program or the form.
Thank you so much for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you.
Lion Rhonda Hamilton
Pearl City Lions
Holiday Basket Chair