Palisades Elementary represents at 2019 Brown Bags To Stardom Statewide Talent Contest

By MaKUa Leilani:

After months of practicing in between their already busy schedules, the students all managed to do their best and shine bright at the 2019 Brown Bags To Stardom Statewide Talent Contest held at the Hawaii Convention Center today.  

Photo courtesy of Makua Leilani

Before the announcement of the Elementary division awards, it was a nice "surprise" to see the Executive director- producer, Johnny Kai, of Brown Bags To Stardom, receive the Above and Beyond Award from Mr. Scott Williams, of Lex Bordie's.  Augie T's daughter, Mahealani Sims-Tulba nominated Johnny Kai for the award and presented it to him today.  A well deserved award.

All the elementary students in today's Brown Bags To Stardom Statewide Talent Contest did such an amazing job. You could see and feel the passion they had within them as they did their talent on stage.  The judges must have had a hard time determining the winners of each category.

I would like to thank the following people for making all this possible:

Johnny Kai for allowing us to be part of this  awesome contest (Congratulations on your Above and Beyond Award)

Shannon for helping me pass information to the contestant's parents when I was not available

The parents and families of each contestant for allowing me to work with their children and allow them to compete today

My daughter, Christina for watching my special needs grandsons so I could focus today

My daughter, Kamalani, for helping me work with the students with their talent

My boss for loaning us a car to the Hawaii Convention Center

And most of all, I would like to thank my son, Kekoa, for sponsoring each of students entry 

Good job everyone!!!  Congratulations to you all!!!

Stryker/1st place Male Solo Vocalist

Gabby and Marychris/3rd place Singing Group

Caitlyn, Nalani, and Kaydi/4th place Dance Group


What a blessed day in Hawai'i Nei!!!

Mahalo nui loa,

Photo courtesy of Makua Leilani

Photo courtesy of Makua Leilani

Photo courtesy of Makua Leilani

Photo courtesy of Makua Leilani