Dec 21, 2017 | PC Sports

It was a dream come true moment for Pearl City High School senior Zion Tupuola-Fetui who accepted a full-ride football scholarship to attend the University of Washington in an early signing period ceremony held Wednesday morning at Pearl City High School in front of family, friends, Pearl City High School administration and faculty. The ceremony was also broadcasted live on KHON 2.

Zion chose Washington to play for the Huskies over several other top Pac 12 teams that had offered him full ride scholarships. His decision came after a successful visit to the University of Washington campus with his parents. They all agreed that Washington was a great fit for his education as a student athlete. Zion is excited to move on to Division I college football and is very thankful for the opportunity and support from his family, friends, and Pearl City High School ohana that contributed to his amazing  experience as a Pearl City Charger student athlete. He is also looking forward to staying close and in contact with family and friends while away in college.

Zion Tupuola-Fetui

“This is crazy. I didn’t originally plan to sign on this day, but I made my decision and I know that I’m ready. This is the choice for me. I’m proud to represent the community. I’m going up to Washington and I’m just going to do my best. I’m really happy right now. I know that Washington is the right fit for me and I’m glad that I have the opportunity to go there. Coach Kami and Coach Pete kinda have this buy-in mentality to the Chargers program and I think I will fit right in at Washington. It will be hard to leave my teammates because we’ve gained such a bond, a brotherhood really, throughout these four years, but I know we’ll keep in touch and stay close and see each other especially during breaks. I feel that I’m going to see my parents and family a lot while I’m in college because we’re only one flight away.

Molia Fetui (Father)

“I am very proud of Zion. I’m glad on his decision and I think he made a good choice. We’ve been through the visits and we really enjoyed the Washington staff and everything. As far as him, I’m proud, and he just has to keep grinding, stay grounded, stay humble and work on his grades. Now that football is over, right now, he just has to work on his grades. He is very blessed that he has the opportunity to get a degree under a full ride scholarship. I can’t wait to go up for his first game. My wife has the schedule down and all the dates and everything,  so we’re ready. I just want say to again to Zion to stay humble, stay grounded, keep your head in the game, stay focused, and keep grinding, and I love you.”

Luisa Tupuola (Grandmother)

“I’m very proud of Zion. This is something new to us. We don’t really know how the procedure is, but I’m so proud of him and he tried his best. he is blessed to get a scholarship and to get a good education.”

Felise Tupuola (Grandfather)

“When I talked to him about the school he wanted to attend he said that he wanted to go to Washington and he selected Washington, so I said well, as long as you’re good in sports, but grades first. That’s the most important thing. He’s a very good player. He was good in every sport he played. I want to let him know that I love him very much, but remember, the church is the main thing in his life through our Father in Heaven.”


Joseph Halfmann, Principal, Pearl City High School

“We’re super proud of Zion. He’s always represented Pearl City High School with Pride and Honor and I’m here to support him. I’m super proud to support him.”


Reid Shigemasa, Athletic Director, Pearl City High School

“This is exciting for Pearl City High School to have what I can remember of our first DI, full scholarship athlete for football is amazing. I think that it’s going to be important that Zion understands that he represents not only his family, but the student athletes in our school that cane before him and our community. I’m really proud of him and his family for what he has accomplished.”

Kyle Miyashiro, Assistant Athletic Director, Pearl City High School

“Zion is a great Pearl City High School student who represents our school with Excellence and Honor. He started out as freshman, a rascal student, and is now a very mature young man. We are very proud of him and his success.”


Robin Kami, Pearl City Chargers Head Football Coach

“It’s a nice blessing for Zion and his family. He did a great job not only on the field but off the field as well. He took care of the academics part and did a lot of community service. He’s good kid off the field too, and that comes from his family. His mom and dad raised him real well and thank you to them that he has a great start to the next chapter in his life. I’ve seen him also play from pop warner to little league. I’ve seen him grow up from a young boy to an adult. He came a long way for our program, not only on offense and defense and special teams, he played a big factor to our program’s success and we are going to miss him. He’s a good leader on and off the field. He left on a good positive way for the younger kids to learn from.”


Cajo Cabato, Pearl City Chargers Defensive Coordinator

“Zion is a great community son. Not every time you get someone from your backyard from elementary school to high school. We’re very proud of him.”


It has been an honor for the opportunity to cover Zion in action through the years that dates back to his Pearl City Little League days through his athletic career at Pearl City High School. Zion is a true gentleman with a great personality and trademark smile. He will be missed, but his Pearl City ohana of fans and supporters are  proud, and excited and are all looking forward to following his career and success as a student athlete on the Washington Huskies football team beginning in 2018.

Zion has a wonderful family, His mom Tammy and dad Molia are the foundation of his success. I would like to send my congratulations to the Tupuola-Fetui ohana and wish Zion all the best in his life beyond Pearl City High School..

God Bless!

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Congratulations to Zion and his Tupuola-Fetui ohana!


Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Zion's mom, Tammy, prepares the scholarship paperwork that he will sign to

accept his is four year, full-ride scholarship to the University of Washington.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Zion puts ink on the dotted line along with his #1 supporter on his lap!

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Dad, Molia puts his autograph to the schoalship document.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Grandpa Tupuola makes it official with the finakl signature.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Zion is pictured with Pearl City High School administration and staff (L-R), Kyle Miyashiro,

Assistant Athletic Director; Joseph Halfmann, PCHS Principal; Cajo Cabato, Chargers

Defensive Coordinator; Daphne Okunaga, PCHS Teacher/Coach; Robin Kami, Chargers

Head Coach; Reid Shigemasa, PCHS Athletic Director.

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mahalo Zion for the opportunity to capture your amazing and outstanding career at

Pearl City High School. I truly appreciate the experience and wish you all the best!

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]