The Health Ministry of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church at 1525 Waimano Home Road, Pearl City is holding a workshop on September 17, 2016 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The workshop focuses on the basics of Alzheimer’s, care giving options & facilities and understanding the effects of Medicare/Medicaid plans on care giving options. The first 2 sessions (9:00 AM to 11:00 AM) are presented by the Aloha Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Organization, Hawaii. The speaker is Pamela Ah-Nee, Oahu Program Specialist. She will be presenting the Basics of Alzheimer’s and the care giving/facilities options. The 3rd session on Social Security is presented by Martha Khlopin, KHNR 690 AM Medicare Radio Host. Our elderly population is increasing due to the advancements in medicine and technology and solutions to address these needs can be complicated. Come join us and get an informed head start on these solutions. RSVP Bob Mariano 808-388-1581.