Hawaiian Electric:
Funds support woodworking and safety skills workshops for the community
A $5,000 grant from the Hawaiian Electric Companies to Re-use Hawaiʻi will help support the non-profit organization’s monthly Community Workshop Program designed to teach basic woodworking and safety skills needed when working with salvaged materials. The two-hour workshops are held on the first Saturday of each month at the Re-use Hawaiʻi retail warehouse located in Kakaʻako. A registration fee of $20 covers the cost of materials needed for each project.
“By reducing waste and preserving our islands’ natural resources, Re-use Hawaiʻi shares our commitment to environmental sustainability,” said Lori Hoo, Hawaiian Electric community relations manager. “The community workshop program will give participants a safe, hands-on experience in building with salvaged materials, and equip the community with the skills and tools to be a part of Oʻahu’s waste reduction solution.”
Re-use Hawaiʻi was founded in 2007 as a solution to the solid waste problem on Oʻahu. By diverting construction and demolition debris headed for landfills, Re-use Hawaiʻi is able to make this reusable building material available to the public at affordable prices. The retail warehouse, located at 200 Keawe Street, is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. To learn more about the Community Workshop Program, please call 537-2228.
Photo credit: Re-use Hawaiʻi