Pearl City High School hosted the first annual Pearl City Complex Basketball Jamboree at the school's gymnasium on Saturday, November 19, 2011.
Two divisions of co-ed 5th and 6th graders representing the following Pearl City District Complex schools competed for championships in their respective grade levels:
Manana Elementary, Waiau Elementary, Kanoelani Elementary, Pearl City Elementary, Pearl City Highlands Elementary, Palisades Elementary, Momilani Elementary and Lehua Elementary.
The tournament was a coordinated effort between the Pearl City complex schools and Pearl City High School. Volunteers came together to make the tournament a success.
"This is exactly why I love to be in Pearl City," said Pearl City Highlands Elementary School Principal, Michael Nakasato. "It's a grass roots effort that started at the high school. We got a bunch of volunteers together to say hey, let's bring the excitement back to Pearl City basketball, so we got all the Pearl City volunteers out here to bring a tournament like this together. It cost us nothing to put this tournament on and its lot's of fun."
Lehua Elementary School Principal, Fay Toyama along with school supporters, cheered their 5th and 6th grade basketball teams on as they worked their way through the tough tournament competition on Saturday. Though inexperienced, her students dug down deep and played with heart. The school brought home the 6th grade championship.
"Our kids come from all over the world and some of them have never played basketball," Toyama said. "Very few of them are even in leagues. This is just outstanding. The kids did their best. They were just awesome. They worked as a team and they were tired. They played four consecutive games and still went on to win the championship. I am so proud of them and our cheerleaders too."
Congratulations to the 2011 Pearl City Complex Basketball Jamboree Champions!
6th Grade Champion: Lehua Elementary
5th Grade Champion: Waiau Elementary
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
6th Grade Champions from Lehua Elementary School pictured at center court in the Pearl City High School Gynasium on Saturday, November 19, 2011.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Momilani Elementary School Principal, Doreen Higa (bottom row, right) pictured having a great time with Momilani basketball team supporters on Saturday, November 19, 2011 at the Pearl City Complex Basketball Jamboree.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Lehua Elementary School Principal, Fay Toyama pictured with the Harris ohana at the Pearl City Complex Basketball Jamboree.
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
6th Grade runner-up team from Pearl City Highlands Elementary School.