The dengue fever virus has hit close to home in our Pearl City community with four cases being reported by the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) that affected residents who live in the same neighborhood.
The DOH sent personnel out to the Pearl City neighborhood for screening. Out of 70 people in the neighborhood, 10 have had their blood tested.
Photo by Barry Villamil Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
Aedes albopictus mosquito.
The Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) stated in a press release yesterday that the DOH is investigating two confirmed cases and two suspected cases of Oahu residents who became ill with dengue fever in late February. The DOH also reported that all four adults have recovered and are no longer ill.
“The Department of Health immediately began precautionary measures by conducting additional testing, surveying and developing a mosquito control plan for the specific areas where these four individuals were likely infected,” said Health Director Loretta Fuddy. “We need the public’s help to clean up mosquito breeding areas throughout Oahu by emptying all standing water, and checking gutters and other areas that collect water.”
Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]
Example of standing water mosquito breeding ground.
This is the first known cases of locally contracted dengue fever in Hawaii since the 2001 outbreak that infected 153 people.
The DOH reported that dengue fever is carried by the Aedes mosquito here in Hawaii and can also be found in other tropical and subtropical areas of the world.
Those infected by dengue fever can experience high fever, severe headaches, joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and rash.
Earlier in the week the DOH put out a medical alert to physicians on Oahu to be aware of the potential dengue infections in persons with compatible symptoms. The DOH also requested appropriate laboratory testing and to report all suspected cases to the DOH.
For more information on dengue fever and preventive tips, log on to the State Department of Health web site at: