Written by Beverly Taira:
This weekend, the students will be selling Hoku's BBQ Chicken and Maki Sushi tickets, McDonald's McFun-Raiser Coupon booklets, and Pizza Hut Literacy Cards at the Ben Franklin Store on Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
We have our McNite on Wednesday, November 17th from 5-8 p.m. at the Pearl City McDonald's on Waimano Home Road. The students will be competing for Brown Bags to Stardom, so come eat dinner and cheer on the students.
This school year, we have our Pizza Hut Night on the second Tuesday of every month. Join our mailing list to get the fundraising flyer.
We will be helping with the Pearl City Christmas Parade on Sunday, December 5.
We have our first Golf Tournament at Mamala Bay on Friday, January 28, 2011. We hope to make this an annual event.
In February, we have our Cutter Ford Fundraiser with a donation made for each car sold. We will also have a car wash and KC Waffle Dogs. Yum!
Join us on Facebook at Pearl City High School Project Grad (Hawaii) and on our mailing list at [email protected].
Beverly Taira, 2011 Chair