Lehua Elementary to benefit from $1000 Pearl City Shopping Center donation


The Pearl City Shopping Center (PCSC) Merchants Association completed their 2010 donation campaign for selected Pearl City District Complex Schools with a visit to Lehua Elementary School on Tuesday, October 26, 2010.

Lehua Elementary School Principal, Fay Toyama received a donation of ten (10) $100.00 gift certificates from Pearl City Shopping Center Merchants Association Treasurer, Shawn Taniguchi. The presentation took place in the newly renovated school Library.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Principal Fay Toyama pictured receiving PCSC Gift Certificate donation from PCSC Treasurer, Shawn Taniguchi.

Waiau Elementary, Pearl City Highlands Elementary and Palisades Elementary also received $1000 PCSC gift certificate donations earlier in the school year. Each school will be able to use the gift certificates at participating PCSC merchant stores. 

Pearl City Shopping Center owner Duane Kurisu, is truly appreciative of the support from Pearl City residents and businesses that patronize PCSC merchants. Having the opportunity to give back to the community is part of Mr. Kurisu’s vision and commitment to improve and support Pearl City District Complex Schools. In the last two years, PCSC has donated $8000 worth of gift certificates to eight Pearl City schools.

7 Habits Tree taking root at Lehua Elementary School

Take a walk around the Lehua Elementary School campus and you will be impressed with what you see. First of all, renovations that began at the end of the previous school year have been completed. Much needed renovations to classrooms, Administrative building, Library and new coat of paint has lifted the spirits of both staff and students. Most importantly, it has helped to bring a renewed sense of pride that compliments the level of learning that Principal Toyama has fostered from grades K-6.

Lehua Elementary School has incorporated the principals of Steven R. Covey's, The 7 Habits Tree throughout their curriculum. It starts as you enter each classroom. On our visit to the school, we were greeted at the door by the students. "When we have visitors come, there’s a greeter in every room,” said Principal Toyama.

The 7 Habits Tree

7 – Sharpen the Saw * Balance Feels Best

6 – Synergize * Together is Better

5 – Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood * Listen Before You Talk

4 – Think Win – Win * Everyone Can Win

3 – Put First Things First * Work First, Then Play

2 – Begin with the End in Mind * Have a Plan

1 – Be Proactive * You're in Charge

One of the programs the students were working on as we visited their 6th grade classroom was Teen Biz, which helps students learn how to make the right decisions in order to excel. Each student participates using a card system as a motivational tool to reach a top score of 100.

"These cards are things that motivate you to do Teen Biz and you have to draw what motivates you on the cards," said Kevin, who is a 6th grader at Lehua Elementary.

Another activity that the 6th graders had just completed was a book project that had the students draw a poster(s)  that best represented the 7 Habits after reading the book, "Twenty and Ten". The story takes place during World War II in France and depicts the hardship faced by the people during the war.

"We had to create a type of thinking map to represent what 7 Habit "Twenty and Ten" was doing," said 6th grader, Savannah who shared her classmates artwork as well as her own masterpiece.

"They applied the 7 Habits to what they saw in the book,"  said Principal Toyama. "Each Habit is there, like Think and Win, We Can't Give Up."

At the Kindergarten level we were invited into Mrs. Kari Wong's classroom to observe her working with the students to improve their skills.

It was quite an experience on Tuesday with the presentation of the PSCS Gift Certificate donation as well as being invited to take a school tour with Principal Toyama to learn more about the incredible job that her staff, administration and students have done to reach the level of academic and social skills excellence that they have achieved. Congratulations!

                                                            Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

The 7 Habits Tree is posted in the hallways and classrooms at Lehua Elementary School.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Kevin, who is a 6th grader at Lehua Elementary School explains how the Teen Biz motivational cards work .

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Lehua Elementary School 6th grader, Savannah is pictured with Principal Toyama holding her poster that represented the 7 Habits after reading the book "Twenty and Ten".

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mrs. Kari Wong pictured working with a Kindergarten student at Lehua Elementary School.