Hawaii State BOE launches community health wellness campaign with free dinner

May 14, 2010 | PC Community


The Hawaii State Board of Education in an effort to bring health wellness to our communities, sponsored the first "Recess Before Lunch" meeting that also offered free healthy dinners, Thursday night, at Waipahu Intermediate School.

"We are launching our state wide effort to get the communities aware and to motivate the communities to do something about health wellness, combat childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes," said Hawaii State Board of Education member, Breene Harimoto.

                                                            Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

BOE member, Breene Harimoto and BOE Public Affairs Officer, Alex Da Silva take a break during the "Recess Before Lunch" dinner/meeting on Thursday at Waipahu Intermediate School.

The evening included a presentation on the efforts being made in our public schools to promote healthy eating and active lifestyles and how the community can help.

"The important thing is that this is sponsored by the Board of Education so its an official meeting, but the key is we have wide spread community support," said Harimoto. "The schools can only do so much so we're going to explain what the schools are doing, but outside of schools we need the parents and the communities to do their part."

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Displays promoting proper health and nutrition were spread out throughout the Waipahu Intermediate School cafeteria. This display demonstrated the amount of sugar used in popular kids meals and the health risks such as diabetes as well as the possible complications that may occur from the disease.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Waipahu community attendees making their way around the health wellness displays.

The Hawaii State Board of Education along with co-sponsors, Department of Health, City and County of Honolulu, the Nutrition and Physical Activity Coalition, the Waipahu Community Association and YMCA, in cooperation with the Waipahu Community Coalition came together to make the event a success in the Waipahu community.

"This is our model that we're forming and the goal is to take this around to all the communities in the state to launch community by community, this effort to combat to childhood obesity," said Harimoto when asked about reaching out to other communities beyond Waipahu.

The Pearl City Foundation was an example of a neighboring community organization that offered support by donating food and volunteers.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Pearl City Foundation Board member, Warren Hiromoto along with volunteer Dennis Loui kept the dinner line moving smoothly.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Senator Mike Gabbard volunteered to help serve free dinners to the Waipahu community.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Guest speaker, 1988 Olympic Silver Medalists and PCHS Alumni, Kevin Asano pictured with BOE member, Breene Harimoto.

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]

Mr. Bill Kaleleiki Jr. and Mr. Kevin Kolish were part of the grounds crew that made sure everyone found a parking space and their way to the cafeteria. Great Job!

Mahalo to Breene Harimoto and his vision team from the Hawaii State Board of Education and "Recess Before Lunch" program co-sponsors and support organizations for their commitment to educate and improve the health wellness of our students, their families and the communities in which they live in.

For more information about the program, please contact:

Alex Da Silva, BOE Public Affairs Officer at: (808) 586-3536 or [email protected]

                                                             Photo by Barry Villamil | [email protected]